Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Nute Gunray

Nute Gunray
 Neimoidian Nute was the Viceroy of the 'Trade Federation', who worked up the ranks from minister during the 'Stark Hyperspace war'. He often took orders secretly from the Sith Darth Sidious, but was unaware of the Sith's true identity as Senator Palpatine. On the Sith's first mission of taking control, the Viceroy was ordered to blockade Naboo, in hope of getting the Queen to sign a treaty, allowing his illegal trade actions to become legal, but naturally, she refused and with the Jedi, she put up a good fight.
 With another Sith entering the conflict (Darth Maul), Gunray was becoming scared, but as Neimoidian's are natural cowards, he and his aide Rune Haako, didn't dare question or oppose the Sith and so continued their opposing of Naboo with a droid battle. However, they weren't expecting the local Gungans to join in the fight against them or the destruction of their control ship an, nor the 'death' of Maul and as such, they lost, yet again.
 Following their loss, the Trade Federation fled and soon went to Sidious's new apprentice; Count Dooku, for help. For his commitment (even though forced upon him), Gunray was awarded a new position in the newly formed CIS, he was to become head of the Separatist council.
 Following the inevitable 'Clone Wars', all the Separatist council, including Gunray were moved from their base on Geonosis to the more secretive Mustafar, but this was all a plot by the Sith, as he eventually sent another new apprentice; Darth Vader, to eliminate all that would oppose the plan of Empire, that meant not just the Jedi, but also their own creation, the CIS. Vader went to Mustafar and Nute believed he had come to help, but he was wrong, Vader lit up his Light Sabre and struck all the other Separatists down, ending with Nute. The Trade Federation did go a little while longer, with Sentepeth Findos, another Neimoidian at the helm, but fearing his own life, Findos had no choice, he gave all the Trade Fed over to the newly named Empire and from there the Trade Federation, the CIS and the Republic era itself ended.

Homeworld: Neimoidia
Species: Neimoidian
Factions: Trade Federation, Sith order (though reluctantly), CIS, Separatists.
Fame rating (out of 100): 44

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