Mon Mothma
'Chandrilla' born Mothma was not only a founder member of the Rebel Alliance, she was also instrumental in the plot to destroy both 'Death Stars' and Chief of state in the New Republic era.
She was born to a wealthy family and her family was already in the government, so it was an obvious choice to follow in their footsteps and she became a senator at a very young age.
As the Empire built up its power over the Galaxy, Mothma met with Galen Marek, (who was previously Vader's secret apprentice), Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, General Kota and Garm Iblis, but shortly after this new threat to the Empire emerged, they were all taken prisoner aboard the Death Star. She and the others were rescued though and Mothma returned to her group and now as even more determined to incite the fall of the Empire, then, after decisive victory 's both at Yavin and Endor, she got her wish, as with Vader turning on his Master, the Emperor and his Empire fell.
Later in time, she became the Chief of state of the New Republic, as she was well respected and credited among those who came up with the plan at Endor and she also gave birth to a girl she named Lieda and a boy named Jobin, but soon she became unwell and after retiring, she died just 20 years after her 1st victory at the head of the Rebels.
Homeworld: Chandrilla.
Species: Human.
Factions: Republic, Rebel Alliance, New Republic.
Fame rating (out of 100): 42
Exar Kun
A powerful Sith Lord, Exar Kun gave terror to many over millennia, starting in the 'Great Sith War', but he started out life as a Jedi, just like many other fallen Sith did, with Vodo-Siosk-Baas as his master. He was curious of the Sith ways and went to the moon; Dxun, where a Sith tomb lied, but when he got there, the Sith named 'Freedon Nadd' arose, but instead of being feared, Kun gave his life to the Sith and Nadd accepted, becoming Kun's new master. He then took on many assignments for the Sith Lord and one of these new assignments was to slay his old master; Baas. He did and killed the current Supreme Chancellor too.
It was at this time, he took on his own apprentice; Ulic Qel-Droma, who had been captured by the Jedi and they began to dominate the galaxy, but one day, Qel Droma betrayed Kun and led him into a trap on Yavin 4, but Kun was more powerful and using a Sith technique, he attempted to elude capture against countless Jedi, but Nomi Sunrider and other Jedi used a similar Jedi technique and trapped Kun in the walls of the Yavin temple as a spirit, where he lay dormant for literally thousands of years.
He then returned to a ghostly form, where he tormented the New Republic Jedi under Luke Skywalkers tutelage and even took Skywalkers soul from his body, but again he was defeated, this time by Luke himself, more Jedi Knights and the spirit of his own old Master; Vodo-Siosk-Baas and this time, he was permanently defeated.
Homeworld: Unknown.
Species: Human.
Factions: Republic (Jedi order), Sith Empire, Cult of Exar Kun.
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Kit Fisto
Jedi Master Fisto was a Nautolan and from a young age shew potential as a Jedi and in his time he took on his own 2 Padowan's, who both completed the Jedi trials, he was a General in the Clone Wars, was on the Jedi Council and he also made Master fairly early in his career.
He was naturally gifted in both use of the force and in under water thanks to his species's natural aptitude, which meant he was often called upon in a diversity of situations.
One of these occasions was in the Battle of Geonosis, where he and many other Jedi were dispatched to rescue Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme.
He also participated in skirmishes on Mon Calamari, Kamino and Devaron. He also captured the Bounty Hunter Durge, though as Kit predicted, he escaped.
Later, Fisto and others were called upon when Nute Gunray escaped confinement under watch of Ahsoka and Luminara Unduli, during the Clone Wars, but they tracked him to a citadel and went to recapture him. However it was a ruse and Nute wasn't there instead there was a hologram of Count Dooku and soon Grievous had arrived, whereupon they realised, it was one of his hide outs. Grievous though was surprised, which gave impression he wasn't expecting them. The Jedi fought Grievous and he lost his legs, though he would soon have them replaced, thus is the help of being a a cyborg.
He participated in many other escapades after that, including returning to Mon Calamari and a mission to Rodia, where he was confronted by more Bounty Hunters.
What would be his last mission was to be part of a team to arrest Palpatine, who it had been found out he was a Sith Lord, but after arriving at Palpatine's quarters, 2 of the 4 Jedi were killed instantly by a swing of the Sith's Lightsabre. Master Fisto fought well, but he was no match for the Sith and was struck down also. Only Mace Windu remained and when Anakin came into the fray, he too was killed and subsequently coinciding with Order 66, the Jedi were all but wiped out.
Homeworld: Glee Anselm.
Species: Nautolan.
Factions: Republic (Jedi).
Fame rating (out of 100): 35
Aayla Secura
Born Aaylas'ecura, Aayla was a discovered as high in the force at a young age by Quinlan Vos and when her life was put in danger by a Wampa, Vos saved Aayla's life and his own Master; Tholme, agreed to have her taken back to Coruscant and trained as a Jedi. She passed the trials soon and became a well respected Jedi knight, frequently serving the Jedi council with Vos and also often Kit Fisto, who she was very close to and eventually working up to become a wise Jedi Master.
When the Clone Wars started, Aayla was one of the Jedi sent to Geonosis, to rescue Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme and when it turned into a full scale battle, Aayla became one of a few who came back from the skirmish unscathed. Following this battle, she went to more worlds and became one of many Jedi General's as the conflict went on. Battles on Quell, Hypori and Kamino were among these trips. What would be Aayla's last battle, she was sent to Felucia with a plan to aid young Barriss Offee, but when Darth Sidious gave 'Order 66', both were gunned down by the very clones they fought alongside just moment before.
Homeland: Ryloth.
Species: Twi'Lek.
Factions: Republic (Jedi).
Fame rating (out of 100):30
Zam Wessell
Zam, also known as 'Zam the assassin', was a Clawdite natural killer and hunter and had been from an early age. As a youngster, she trained in the ancient religious 'Mabari warrior' combat, and over time, grew into a skilled, dangerous warrior, who was seen as aggressive. Zam naturally disagreed, but when she took her hand to bounty hunting, she was seen in even a worse light, but her worst crime in the Mabari group, was that as a Clawdite, she could morph into another shape or being, often posing as a female, rather than her reptilial natural form and to the Mabari, not showing her true face was even more of a sin and she was branded as a heretic and outcasted, where she was forced to flee offworld, to a nearby planet called Denon, where she posed as a business woman.
Here on Denon, she worked up the ranks in her new job, making new contacts, but really she was more interested in bounty hunting and she used this new found power to do just that. Soon, she had a child with another Clawdite, but feeling trapped, she wanted to spread her wings and fled again, leaving her partner and child on Denon and starting a wider spread on her bounty hunting job.
Not long after this, she met Jango Fett, whilst on a contract to search for Komari Vosa and after more meetings with him, the two became almost a team occasionally and close friends.
One day, Jango was asked to assassinate Padme Amidala, so he asked Zam to do it, as they frequently subcontracted each other. Zam accepted and attempted the attack, but it failed and Padme went into the Jedi's protection. Fleeing the scene Zam attempted to escape in an airspeeder, but Anakin gave chase and after a crash, he caught her up. He insisted on asking her who hire her, but just before she could say anything, Jango shot a sabre dart into her, silencing her before retreating himself. Morphing back into her true form, Zam died almost instantly. Initially Obi Wan and Anakin were unable to identify the darts owner, but with a help from his old friend; Dexter Jettster, he tracked it back to Kamino; the home of Fett.
Homeworld: Zolan.
Species: Clawdite.
Factions: Neutral (Bounty Hunter), (semi cooperative with Jango Fett).
Fame rating (out of 100): 20
Rune Haako
This was the Lieutenant to Nute Gunray and also the Settlement officer of the Trade Federation. He, like all Neimoidian's was a coward and when Nute Gunray agreed in siding with the Sith; Darth Sidious, he strongly voiced his fear of this being a bad decision. Then, after the pair blockaded Naboo, Darth Maul was sent to aid the Niemoidian's, but once again, Haako feared it was all getting too complex and dangerous, but it was too late for Rune and Nute, as they were in over their heads.
Soon though, the Clone Wars began and so the need for the Trade Federation was less, forcing the Neimoidian's to join the newly named CIS as such they were protected by General Grievous himself and kept out of the war all over.
One day though, the CIS leaders including Haako, Gunray and Tambor, were all sent to Mustafar for supposed safety. It was however a ruse and Darth Vader was sent to wipe them all out. All fell and the Separatists and Jedi alike were no more.
Homeworld: Neimoidia.
Species: Neimoidian.
Factions: Trade Federation, CIS.
Fame rating (out of 100): 33