Whorm Loathsom
Loathsom, who was general for both his homeworld of Kerkodia's forces and also a small regiment of Droids for the CIS, accomplished many victories during the Clone wars, which gave him a name for himself, so when Obi Wan, Anakin and his Padowan led some Clones against him on Christophsis, they naturally knew who they were dealing with.
As the Droids approached the outnumbered Clones, protected under a force shield, Obi-Wan pretended to surrender, but it was a trick, and just as Obi predicted, Whorm fell for it, hook line a sinker and as they 'talked', Anakin and Ahsoka crept away and destroyed the shield generator, allowing the Clones to fight back and with Obi-Wan and Anakin at the helm, they were eventually victorious and Whorm was taken to and tried for his crimes on Coruscant. He remained there for some while under inprisonment, alongside his fellow CIS leaders, such as Poggle and Wat Tambor, and no-one knows what happenned to him after that.
Homeworld: Kerkodia.
Species: Kerkoden.
Factions: Republic, CIS (Separatists), Kerkoidia's planetary forces.
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Nute Gunray
Neimoidian Nute was the Viceroy of the 'Trade Federation', who worked up the ranks from minister during the 'Stark Hyperspace war'. He often took orders secretly from the Sith Darth Sidious, but was unaware of the Sith's true identity as Senator Palpatine. On the Sith's first mission of taking control, the Viceroy was ordered to blockade Naboo, in hope of getting the Queen to sign a treaty, allowing his illegal trade actions to become legal, but naturally, she refused and with the Jedi, she put up a good fight.
With another Sith entering the conflict (Darth Maul), Gunray was becoming scared, but as Neimoidian's are natural cowards, he and his aide Rune Haako, didn't dare question or oppose the Sith and so continued their opposing of Naboo with a droid battle. However, they weren't expecting the local Gungans to join in the fight against them or the destruction of their control ship an, nor the 'death' of Maul and as such, they lost, yet again.
Following their loss, the Trade Federation fled and soon went to Sidious's new apprentice; Count Dooku, for help. For his commitment (even though forced upon him), Gunray was awarded a new position in the newly formed CIS, he was to become head of the Separatist council.
Following the inevitable 'Clone Wars', all the Separatist council, including Gunray were moved from their base on Geonosis to the more secretive Mustafar, but this was all a plot by the Sith, as he eventually sent another new apprentice; Darth Vader, to eliminate all that would oppose the plan of Empire, that meant not just the Jedi, but also their own creation, the CIS. Vader went to Mustafar and Nute believed he had come to help, but he was wrong, Vader lit up his Light Sabre and struck all the other Separatists down, ending with Nute. The Trade Federation did go a little while longer, with Sentepeth Findos, another Neimoidian at the helm, but fearing his own life, Findos had no choice, he gave all the Trade Fed over to the newly named Empire and from there the Trade Federation, the CIS and the Republic era itself ended.
Homeworld: Neimoidia
Species: Neimoidian
Factions: Trade Federation, Sith order (though reluctantly), CIS, Separatists.
Fame rating (out of 100): 44
Darth Revan
A vastly influential 'extended universe' character, Revan played major parts in both the 'Mandalorian Wars' and the 'Jedi Civil War' and was born almost 4000 years before 'A new Hope'.
In his early years, he became a Jedi and worked his way up to Knight status, fighting against the Mandalorian's in the Galactic Republic's war against them. Donning a fallen Mandalorian mask, he eventually became Supreme commander, however, when he slayed their leader, Mandalore the Ultimate, he and his friend Malak, discovered a Sith influence and tracking it down, they found a Sith Emperor, who managed to turn them to the dark side. They soon fled his grasp though and set up their own Sith regime, becoming Darth Revan and Darth Malak and this resulted in the terrible Jedi Civil War.
However, Malak soon betrayed Revan and then female Jedi Bastila Shan captured him, before forming a force bond with him and wiping his memory.
With his new identity as a Republic soldier, Revan protected Shan as Malak tried to kill the Jedi, then Revan was once more trained as a Jedi. Soon though, Malak managed to capture the pair, turning Shan to the dark side, as Revan's true identity was revealed. Revan was forced with a choice and decided to bring Shan back to the light side and defeated Malak.
Revan eventually married Shan and for a while was content, but one day he was held captive again, this time by the Sith Emperor. He tried to escape with the help of others, but he failed and was kept captive in suspended animation for 300 years, until one day, the Republic eventually rescued him. He did then try to destroy the Sith Empire, but failed and went into complete obscurity. His teachings though would last for many a millennia, as Sith would study his methods and even the renowned Sith; Darth Bane, would learn from these, from where he decided on the Sith's 'rule of 2'.
Revan, who was neither Jedi nor Sith and yet sometimes both, would go down in history, but his origins are so vast and complex, no-one truly knows, just what he did managed to accomplish, but either way, he was remembered as a pivotal Master in all he did.
Homeworld: Unknown, (but believed to have been in the outer rim).
Species: Human
Factions: Jedi order, Republic, Republic Mercenaries, Revan's Sith Empire.
Fame rating (out of 100): 95
Bib fortuna
Bibsy as i often call him, was MajorDomo (aide) to Jabba The Hutt and although he served him for some years, he actually hated him and often plotted to have him killed, though of course he never succeeded, as Leia did the job for him.
He began life on Ryloth, but he was found guilty of illegal export and was banished, then Jabba came across him and asked him to smuggle for him, and gradually worked his way into Jabba's favour, who had no idea of Bibsy's plotting.
He did at one point return to Ryloth, but his service remained to Jabba and soon he helped Jabba in many matters including overseeing Pod Races, enlisting the Rancor trainer; Malakili and enslaving the dancer girl; Oola, but perhaps his most memorable escapade was when the Rebels came to Jabba's palace to rescue their friend; Han Solo and using a 'Jedi mind trick', gained access. Soon though, the Rebels were captured and led to the Pit of Carkoon, where the Sarlacc dwelled, Bibfortuna accompanied them.
However, the Rebels overpowered Jabba's followers and just after killing Jabba, they blew up his Sail Barge transports. Bibsy though, managed to escape on a smaller private Skiff transporter, before returning to the Palace, hoping to take over Jabba's cartel, however, the B'Omarr monks that lived there, captured him and his brain was removed, before being put in a spider-like machine. Technically, he survived this and did indeed inherit Jabba's belongings, but he was never the same Twi'lek he once was.
Homeworld: Ryloth
Species: Twi'lek
Factions: Jabba's Criminal Empire and Order of B'Omarr Monks.
Fame rating: 20
Archduke Poggle The Lesser of Geonosis controlled many Geonosian colonies and was also a leading member of the Separatist council, plus he held the data for the ultimate weapon; The Death Star.
There was a time when Poggle was a a member of the low society of the winged Geonosians, hence the name 'Lesser', but Darth Sidious came to Poggle's aid in a rebellion and in return Poggle would supply a large portion of the Battle Droids for the Separatist army, all built within massive burning Foundries. Soon after Dooku approached Poggle and explained he was Sidious's Apprentice, before tasking Poggle and San Hill of another task, to rehabilitate a Kaleesh warrior and turn him into a Cyborg. With the new Cyborg Dooku would train him up and he would lead the Droids with a new identity and name, he was General Grievous.
Poggle also proceeded over the planned execution of the Jedi and Padme, but the arena battle didn't go as planned, as the beasts within were killed and befor long, dozens of Jedi and Clone Troopers had arrived. Fearing his life, Poggle fled, but not before giving Dooku the Death Star plans.
During the ensuing Clone Wars, Poggle saw plenty of action, but as the Clone Wars drew to a close, so did Poggle's life, for Sidious's new master; Darth Vader was tasked with one last job before the reign of the Emperor; to kill all the Separatists, loyalists, Jedi and anyone else who stood in the Sith's way, that included Poggle, for whilst discussing matters on Mustafar, Vader cut down all the Separatists in fatal blows with his Light Sabre. Poggle was no warrior and he fell in an instant.
Homeworld: Geonosis
Species: Geonosian
Factions: Geonosian colonies and Separatists (CIS).
Fame rating: 30
Bail Prestor Organa
Bail Organa was a senator in the Galactic Senate as viceroy of Alderaan, but also in his time he was a Prince, a chairman, a Prince consort and more importantly, adoptive father to Leia.
He was married to Queen Breha and was a founding member of the Rebel Alliance and when Padme gave birth to Leia and Luke, the Jedi and the small Rebel party which also included Mon Mothma, agreed, the babies should be parted for safety and as Luke went to Tatooine to live with his true uncle, it was decided Bail and Breha would take in Leia, as they'd planned to adopt for some while (due to finding hard to conceive), and as there wasn't many they could trust after Palaptine had called for 'Order 66'. Though for her own safety. Leia was never told of her birth origins, nor the fact she had a brother on Tattooine and that Vader was her Father. Bail also ordered C3PO's memory wiped, knowing he was a regular gossip, but he did take both he and R2D2 in.
He then remained as Alderaan's representative, until Leia took over. He was one of the few who knew Vader and Palpatine's truthful past, but alone and fearing his adoptive daughters feelings, he never spoke of this and instead aided the Rebellion wherever he could. He stayed in this position, until the Death Star was tested on his Homeworld, blowing it and he into smithereens.
Bail also had runnings in with in his time; Cad Bane, Galen Marek and even Count Dooku, though none stopped him from being true to what he held dear.
Homeworld: Alderaan
Species: Human
Factions: Republic, Rebel Alliance.
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Boss Nass
Ruger ('Boss') Nass was the head of the council of the underwater Otoh Gunga city on Naboo, which was home to many Gungans including Jar Jar Binks and Captain Tarpals, during the time of the invasion of Naboo.
When Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan went to Nass and asked for the Gungans help in the defense of Naboo, at first Nass was reluctant, but when they explained the Droids would effect the Gungans home just as much as above land, Boss Nass changed his mind and agreed to battle with them and soon after, a full Gungan army amassed on the surface, complete with shields and many energy balls, plus the hapless Jar Jar Binks as one of the Generals, as he'd shown guts to Nass in bringing the Gungans and the Naboo people together.
After this battle, Nass took things even further, deciding Otoh Gunga was too small for all the Gungans and sending some to live on the nearest moon. Unfortunately, soon after, during the Clone Wars, the Bounty Hunter; Durge, attacked the moon with poisons and all but wiped out the Gungans living there. It was only the help from the Jedi, that saved the Gungans once again. Soon after, Nass retired from his position, but remained an upstanding member of the Gungan community. However, 2 years later, Nass returned to the Boss position, and remained there for some many years after and he never forgot it was the Jedi who brought the natives of Naboo together.
Homeworld: Naboo.
Species: Gungan.
Factions: Republic.
Fame rating (out of 100): 30
Dengar, who's nickname for a while was 'Payback', was a Human Bounty Hunter from Corellia, and piloted the ship; 'Punishing One'. In his time, he worked with Bossk, Boba Feet and Asajj Ventress, and also often alone.
One of his earlier missions, he set out with Ventress, Bossk and others, on what should have been a simple escort job, but when the locals got nasty, he ended up being detached from the group and having to make his own way back to the Bounty Hunter's base on Tatooine.
On another occasion, Dengar had been trying to capture Han Solo and got entangled in a mess between both the Empire and the Rebels. This led to him ending up being on Vader's ship as a chance encounter and Vader subsequently offering him a chance to do what he'd wanted for a while; capture Han Solo and the other Rebels with him. Dengar hadn't got much of a big Bounty to speak of in all his career, so he jumped at the chance, despite having to compete for the bounty against former friends Boba and Bossk, (amongst others).
Again Dengar was beaten to the post, as Boba Fett sneakily led Vader to Han's old friend Lando's home of Bespin, but Dengar was left with a damaged ship, by Boba Fett attempting to capture Han within an asteroid field. Dengar did reach Bespin, but it was a few days later and he was too late, for Han was already captured.
Later in time, he married his life long friend of Manaroo and gradually slowed down on his Bounty Hunter's work. and eventually retired all together, though there was some occasions where he came out of retirement, if the allure of a descent enough job came along. One such job, led him to face Jaina and Jacen Solo; the children of Han who'd evaded him in the past so many times.
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Factions: Empire + Neutral
Fame rating (out of 100): 35
Mas Amedda
This was the Vice Chancellor and aide to both Supreme chancellors: Palpatine and Valorum and then continued to serve Palaptine even when he became Emperor, though in truth, Amedda had sided with the Trade Federation and much preferred Palpatine and conspired with both him and 'Orn Free Taa' to bring about the fall of Valorum, paving the way for Palaptine. He did this by not ending petty squabbles when he could have and be making out Valorum was losing his grip on the Senate. Eventually, this worked and Valorum was forced out his position and Palaptine was instated in his place. However not all worked out too well for Amedda, for when the Republic fell, The Emperor had no need for the Senate and so Amedda's position of power was all but lost, so instead, although he never technically left Palpatine's side, his job was all but a demotion, left to search past Sith sites. Amedda though didn't seem to mind this and actually relished the chance to see many new worlds that he hadn't seen before.

Homeworld: Champala
Species: Chagrian
Factions: Order of the Sith + Empire
Fame rating (out of 100): 40,
Logray was the Ewok Shamen of the tribe that the Rebels discovered on the Forest Moon of Endor. He was a very skilled in Ewok magic and wasn't afraid of showing it when it came to it.
He took on 3 apprentices in his time, first Zarrack, then Wicket, but he was too young and wasn't an ideal candidate at all and so Logray took Teebo on instead.
In truth though, Logray was a bit of a coward and a bully and often spoke for the real chief of the clan; Chief Chirpa. It fact it was also he who instigated the attempted killing of Han and the others. After the battle of Endor, Chirpa banished Logray from his clan and put Paploo in his place. Logray retaliated with rage and put a curse on the village. The curse was broken and Logray was forced into exile and from then on, his old clan that he'd alienated, wouldn't even speak his name ever again.
Homeworld: Forest moon of Endor
Species: Ewok
Factions: Neutral/Rebel Alliance
Fame rating (out of 100):10
Ahsoka Tano
At the start of the Clone Wars, Anakin was coming into his own as Obi-Wan's Apprentice, but was often reckless and sometimes didn't think of others instinctively, so Yoda and the rest of the Jedi Council decided he should have a Padowan himself and so Ahsoka Tano was sent to him mid-quest and became his Padowan learner and although at first he was frustrated by the decision and reluctant to train her, Anakin soon took a liking to the girl, (who he often called 'Snips'), and frequently they shared missions and fought by each others side.
Her 1st mission under Anakin's tutelage was to get Jabba's Huttlette son back from kidnappers, where a plot by Dooku soon put the Jedi in the blame. From then on, they undertook many tasks and Ahsoka fought many opponents including Grievous, Asajj Ventress and Cad Bane.
She stayed and Anakin's side for some while, but one mission went horribly wrong, when Ahsoka's Lightsabre was stolen and when she went looking for it, she found clone's dead, however, when she was seen standing over the clone's, she was suspected for the murder.
Tarkin was the main instigator in the plot against her and with his manipulation, even Anakin believed she was guilty.
Ahsoka was tried by a jury, with Tarkin as the prosecution and Padme as the defence, who still believed Ahsoka's words and although she was found innocent, she was saddened so much that she wasn't believed even by her own master, and the news that it was her supposed friend; Barriss Offee, that had framed her, that she left the Jedi order. Anakin went after her to try to bring her back and apologised, but she insisted, she was to take a new path and so she left Coruscant and the Jedi for good.
Homeworld: Shili
Species: Togruta
Factions: Republic (Jedi)
Fame rating (out of 100): 28
Cad Bane
This was a well known Bounty Hunter of the Clone wars era. He worked for whoever payed the most and often did jobs he'd rather not just to get payed. In his time he frequently had run-ins with Jabba the Hutt, Obi Wan Kenobi, Quinlan Vos and many others and also broke out of jail on more than one occasion.
In one elaborate plan, Cad Bane teamed up with Moralo Eval and other fellow Bounty Hunters in a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine, but Obi-Wan managed to infiltrate their group, in a disguise of another Hunter called Rako Hardeen. Obi Wan's cover was blown, but as it turned out, it was all an ruse set up by Palaptine himself to draw Anakin out to fight Dooku, where if Anakin won, he would have fallen to the dark side and if not, he would still have his original apprentice: Dooku.
The plan failed from many's perspective, the Chancellor was fine and Bane was recaptured, but Palpatine had what he wanted, he had started the turning of Anakin.
As for Bane, he was furious, he'd fought many enemies and even endured a 'rediculous' contest in a box and still he went unpaid and worse still, he was put back in jail. After that he did escape again, but with the impending Empire era starting, Bane's hunting days were coming to an end and although he subsequently worked for the Empire, with Jango and later Boba Fett gaining more renown and money, his fame slowly wained until he died less wealthy and famed than his clone wars years.
Homeworld: Duro
Species: Duros
Factions: Neutral
Fame rating (out of 100): 34
An IG88 assassin droid was a lethal machine and it's no wonder that one of them (named Model B) became a bounty hunter and one of the 5 that Darth Vader hired to bring back the Rebels to him.
During the Clone wars, IG86 droids were commissioned by the Separatists and the assassin IG88 versions were an off-shoot of these.
He was very skilled and feared, but had a grievance with Boba Fett, so instead of looking for the Rebels himself, he put a tracker on Fett's ship; Slave 1, following him to Bespin. However, Fett was even more intelligent and skilled and found the tracker, before turning the droid into scrap.
Homeworld: N/A
Species: Assassin droid
Factions: Neutral
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon was a wise Jedi, though he often ignored the Jedi council's advise and such he never made it onto the council itself. He did however train his apprentice; Obi Wan Kenobi very well, ending with him taking the trials, though his taking on of Anakin, was a shortlived task.
He started his career as the Padowan to Count Dooku, but their paths took very different routes, for whilst Dooku turned to the dark side, Qui-Gon became a well respected Jedi and preferred diplomatic solutions to combat.
On what he and Obi Wan thought would be a simple mission, the 2 Jedi went to a Trade Federation ship to discuss a blockade of Naboo, but it soon got nasty, when the Nemoidian leaders realised they were Jedi and sent battle droids to kill them. Of course the ploy failed and the Jedi escaped, but this started the initial conflict between the Trade Fed and the Republic, culminating in a battle between droids and the Gungans.
The Trade Federation planned to kidnap Queen Amidala, to force her to sign a treaty to promote the expansion of the Trade Fed's opportunities, but the Jedi became her loyal protectors. Then, as the Trade Fed put their plan in motion, a new opponent appeared to take on the Jedi. He was a Sith.
The Sith; Darth Maul, gave the 2 Jedi a tough battle and using his skills to separate the pair, the battle culminated in Maul defeating the older Jedi. Obi Wan was furious and raced to face Maul alone. He too was nearly beaten, as he fell into a shaft, but he used a force jump, to leap to safety and with one well placed swipe, he cut the Sith in half.
Obi Wan bent down to his master and Qui Gon gave Obi Wan a last request, to train Anakin, who he had earlier discovered and promised he would be a Jedi. Obi Wan agreed then Qui-Gon drew his final breath.
Homeworld: unknown
Species: Human
Factions: Republic (Jedi)
Fame rating (out of 100): 33
Admiral Ackbar
Gial Ackbar was a male Mon Calamari, who worked up the ranks of the Republic to become Admiral, a position he held for some time, commanding from the bridge of the ship Home 1.
He was one of the leaders in a battle on Dac, where the local prince was under threat, but thanks to him and other Mon Cala, the prince survived and was made King.
One day he was captured by Grand Moff Tarkin, but was rescued by the Defecting Juno Eclipse and this is the point he became a rebel officer. Later in time he was also captured by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, but again was rescued.
He was also the commander of the Rebel fleet in the Battle of Naboo, where although the rebels almost walked right into a trap, Ackbar managed to get the fleet into an attacking position and came out with a victory, destroying the '2nd Death Star'.
Many years later, he served against the Yuuzhan Vong on the side of the New Republic and then retired as a well respected Naval officer.
Homeworld: Dac
Species: Mon Calamari
Factions: Rebel Alliance and New Republic
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Watto was a male Toydarian, who apon arriving on Tatooine, set up a junk shop in the small village of Mos Espa. He had all kinds of goods, such as Gonk Droids and speeder parts, plus an interest in the Pod races they ran there, particularly when he won money on them.
He also had 2 slaves; Shmi Skywalker and her son Anakin, who helped him in his shop and occasionally raced for him, though Anakin crashed every time, so there was soon no pod to race, prompting Anakin to build his own.
One day a Jedi named Qui Gon-Jinn came into the shop and asked for parts to his Nubian spacecraft, but the costs were too high and the Jedi had only republic credits, and to quote; "Mind tricks don't work on him", so the Jedi was forced to find an alternative payment and with the backing from the Skywalkers, Pod racing was chosen. Soon though, Anakin realised Qui Gon was a Jedi and thought he'd came to rescue them, but he hadn't, however sensing something in the boy, Qui Gon posed a new ploy, if Anakin won, Watto would have the winning to the race, but would have to release the slaves and if he lost, he would keep their ship. Watto mused on this, but soon agreed, but only for the boy. Qui Gon agreed and after a tough race, the boy did indeed win, he was free and with a threat to take matters to Jabba the Hutt by Qui Gon, Watto had no choice but to let Anakin go.
Several years later, Anakin returned, looking for his mother and hoping to free her, but it was too late, Watto had already sold her to the Lars Family and whilst she was out, she was attacked by Tusken raiders and died as he arrived.
Despite his harsh streak and penchant for money, Watto actually wasn't a bad slave master and mostly the pair were actually quite happy in Mos Espa.
Homeworld: Toydaria
Species: Toydarian
Factions: Neutral
Fame rating (out of 100): 18
Wicket W Warrick
This was a young male Ewok who lived in his tribe on the 'forest moon of Endor'. He was young and had many adventures in his youth, including the taking in of a Human family, but when he explored deep into the forest alone, he was met with more than he bargained for.
He encountered a female Human, who turned out to be a princess. She was friendly towards him and eventually coaxed him into sharing some food with her, before taking her back to his nearby village.
Soon, the other rebels came looking for the princess, who had wandered off, but with their brashness and weapons showing, they weren't given such a pleasant welcoming and instead were taken to the village to be cooked. It was only the princess and unsuspectingly C3Po that saved the day and soon, they all explained to the Ewoks why they were there and what they intended.
Hearing of the tyrannical Vader and the might of the Empire, the Ewoks agreed to help the Rebels and together they fought so the Rebels could enter the nearby Imperial outpost and lower the 'Death Star' shield. The battle was regarded as a success and although many Ewoks died, Wicket's playful improvisational skill, led him to take down several 'Scout troopers' and survived the skirmish and later he enjoyed sharing a dance with R2D2 in a party with all the heroes.
Many years later, the chief of the village; Chirpa died and Wicket, (who had married Chipa's daughter), became a well earned chief himself.
Homeworld: The Forest moon of Endor
Species: Ewok
Factions: Rebel Alliance
Fame rating (out of 100): 20
A male Trandoshan, whos' name means devours his prey, Bossk was a highly skilled and predatory Bounty Hunter, his name being quite apt, particularly towards Wookiees, which he loved to skin after defeat.
He was the son of Cradossk, who not only was a bounty hunter himself, he was actually head of the Bounty Hunters guild, so it was no surprise his son went into the same line of work from an early age.
He frequently teamed up with other bounty hunters, such as Boba Fett and Aurra Sing, though in truth, he preferred taking the bounty for himself. One of these occasions where he and other hunters would take on the same job, was in service to Vader, who enlisted Bossk, Dengar, IG88, Boba Fett, Zuckass and 4Lom to bring Luke, Han and Chewbacca to him. Boba was 1st to accomplish the task, so he was given the money.
Also around that time, Bossk had been planning to overthrow his father as leader of the Bounty Hunters guild, a highly respected position, for some years and put his plan into action, but Zuckass, (who he teamed up with), was secretly working for Cradossk and attempted assassination of Bossk. This was a failed attempt and Bossk boldly went back to Trandosha and murdered his father with his own weapon though. However the guild was never the same again, as it split into 2 factions, between veterans and youngsters.
Bossk would team up and fight against other bounty hunters on many occasions and even had more run-ins with Luke and Han, but long after the Battle of Yavin, when Chewbacca died, Bossk rubbed it in Hans face. This was not wise, and it left Bossk with a broken snout. Both were taken to detention cells. Han was released, but Bossk was not. Soon the facility where Bossk was prisoner was attacked and blew up, but as a small escape pod flew out just as it exploded, that may not have been the end of Bossk after all.
Homeworld: Trandosha (also called' Dosha')
Species: Trandoshan
Factions: Neutral
Fame rating (out of 100): 40
Grand Moff Trakin
Wilhuff Tarkin was an ambitious man and a captain in the republic navy and had more than one brush with his later boss; Anakin, including a brief stint in busting out Jedi Even Piell from jail. He quickly took the eye of Palpatine, who saw his devious potential and enlisted him as the 1st Moff and soon after and even higher position, that of Grand Moff.
He was given the large task of overseeing the Empire's latest weapon; the 'Death Star' and although it took longer than they thought, the Death Star was finally completed under Wilhuff's rule.
When Princess Leia was kidnapped by Vader, she was taken aboard the Death Star and interrogated and when asked where her rebel base was. She said 'Dantooine', but it didn't matter what she said, Tarkin was intent on showing the Death Stars superlaser and delighted in upsetting Leia by destroying her homeworld of Alderaan. Soon, the rebels arrived to save her, but they went one step further and with a lucky shot, the Death Star was destroyed from the inside out. Tarkin was on board when it blew up, but Palpatine quickly got over Tarkin's death, insisting on the building of another Death Star.
Homeworld: Eriadu
Species: Human
Factions: Republic, Empire
Fame rating (out of 100): 50